+ For Accidents that occur in Australia after your cover starts. Must seek medical treatment within 7 days, and receive hospital treatment within 12 months of the Accident occurring. Excludes Private Emergency Department Benefit, hospital bonus, claims covered by third parties and our Private Room Promise. Out-of-pocket costs may apply.
Prices shown include a corporate discount of 9.0% for CSR employees.
The amount you pay before Medibank contributes to your hospital costs.
The amount you can claim back at Members’ Choice providers where available, up to annual limits. Lower fixed percentage back applies at non-Members’ Choice providers, up to annual limits.
Things you should know:
Waiting periods and annual limits may apply.
^ Waiting periods apply. For ambulance attendance or transportation to a hospital where immediate medical attention is required, and your condition is such that you couldn't be transported any other way. TAS and QLD have State schemes that provide ambulance services for residents of those States.
> Two month waiting period applies. We'll pay a benefit up to an annual limit per membership towards any admission fee ("facility fee") charged by the Private Hospital for patients attending a Private Accident and Emergency Department. The fee amount varies by Private Hospital and does not include medical and other charges (such as charges for diagnostic imaging or pathology), so out of pocket expenses may still apply. Only available at Private Hospitals with an Accident and Emergency Department. Members will need to submit a claim to receive the benefit and may have to pay upfront.
♮For dental surgery performed by a dentist rather than a medical practitioner, we only pay benefits towards hospital charges. If the surgery is performed by a medical practitioner and Medicare benefits are payable, we will pay benefits towards the hospital and medical charges.
## Waiting periods apply, including 12 months for some dental services. For Child Dependants (up to 21 years) and eligible Student Dependants (up to 31 years). Members’ Choice providers not available in all areas.
§ Members' Choice and Members' Choice Advantage not available in all areas or for all services.